Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2 chosen artists

Fiona Hall

Fiona Hall’s artwork entitled ‘Fern Garden’ is a contemporary art piece that is considered as a landscape architecture rather then an artwork. This sculptural garden was formally an unused courtyard that had been transformed into one of Hall’s art designs. The sculpture consisted of different materials such as fern trees, water channels, fountains, gates, fences and seats which all had meaning to what Hall was trying to achieve. The representation of the materials Hall uses was to develop a connection between human culture and nature, like her previous artworks entitled ‘Paradisus Terrestsis’ Hall associated between plant-form and the human body. Hall’s methods and use of materials is subjected to the range of issues she raises such as globalisation, consumerism and natural history, which is evident throughout her artworks.

Tracey Moffat

Tracey Moffat is an indigenous Australian contemporary artist who explores themes such as oppression, hysteria and forms of escape. Moffat’s first job series is a collection of images that reflect upon life in the late 1970’s-80’s as she compares her present life as an artist. The images presented in the series highlight the jobs that Moffat had obligated to do during her teenage years; it portrays the unexciting jobs they endured in order to survive. Moffat uses numerous materials throughout her artworks, although she had adapted more into film, video and presentation and uses these forms to present artworks relating to her childhood experiences and childish memories.


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