Monday, May 4, 2009

File Front Submission

Final UT2004 model link:

Electroliquid Aggregation

Keith Campbell:

“That's a difficult one. Scientists are asked to referee a lot of papers and to a certain extent we have to believe each other as to the validity of the data.”

Jacques Yves Cousteau:

"It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert. "

Scientists generously referree a lot of papers to discover the whole to a certain extent. They have to believe each other so to open up to the world and validate their role in the concert.

Final UT2004 Model

Update : Final UT2004 Model

Meeting Place 1 - Client - Jacques Ivves Cousteau

As part of my final UT2004 model, I have created an outdoor meeting space in relation to Jacque's quote of 'Opening your self to the world'. This was to further my development of my previous models which I have applied to my final UT2004 model.

Final Ramp 2: The ramp presented above adjoins both the intial meeting place I have created for Campbell overlooking Cousteau meeting place from above.
Meeting place 2 - Client : Keith Campbell

Final Ramp 1 : I have incorporated another ramp that provides access to Campbell's meeting place to Cousteau outdoor meeting space.

The key idea in relation to the above image presented was to create a stage overlooking the view. The intial thought was to explore the idea of a concert stage which relates back to his quote of 'discovering the whole through others'.

DRAFT UT2004: Meeting Place

DRAFT UT2004 Model

DRAFT - The Ramp:

I have created two sets of ramps adjoining the clients meeting place from the exterior and the interior of the model.

36 Textures

18 Axonometric intersections

Intial Concept

Client 2 - Jacque Yves Costeau

As part of the development process of the models presented, I wanted to explore the idea's of an open meeting space that relates back to Jacque's quote to 'opening yourself up to the world' The thought of having an array of lighting hitting the walls was to create a notion of a music concert arena as stated in his quote.

Client 1 - Keith Campbell

This intial thought of the this model relates back to Keith Campbell's quote 'certain extent we have to believe each other as to the validity of the data'. Initally Campbell's meeting place was to be settled on top of the model as an outdoor space, although with furthur development of the model I have created a indoor meeting place overlooking the view. I also wanted to explore the the key idea of mass in relation to his pass works.

18 Axonometric Sketches

Client - Jaques - Yves Cousteau

Client - Keith Campbell